Englannin kielinen sivusto


Museo in English

Pielinen museum- The Museum of Lieksa

Pielinen museum is a local museum of the Lieksa district and the second largest open-air museum in Finland. The museum consists of the main building and an extensive outdoor area with more than 70 buildings.

The open-air museum displays farm houses with outbuildings from three centuries, mills, forest worker's log cabins and timber floating machinery, farming implements and tools, storehouses containing vehicles, boats, fishing tackle and firefighting equipment.

The museum is located by the Lieksanjoki river, near the town centre of Lieksa.


We are closed to visitors due to construction of a new main building


We are open to group visitors by reservation only. If you wish to book a visit, please be in contact: museo@lieksa.fi or +358 40 1044 151



Update 28.10.2024:

The new main building of the Pielinen Museum is almost finished


Our aim is to open the new main building to the public in February 2025. The new main building will have a café and a museum shop. The tourist information office of the city of Lieksa is also planned to be moved to the museum.

Planning for next year's exhibitions and events is currently underway. Next year, the museum will host a nature-themed art exhibition by the Lieksa-based artist Tuuli Meriläinen. In addition, there will be an exhibition on the carbon and wood cycle, which will be implemented as a learning environment together with Ubium Oy. For both exhibitions, Pielinen Museum has received a grant from The Finnish Heritage Agency.
At the meeting of the City of Lieksa Welfare Committee on 22 October 2024, it was proposed to purchase the Heureka Super Wood exhibition as the first temporary exhibition. The exhibition as a whole will be adapted to the size of the museum. The exhibition will be confirmed in December at the Lieksa City Council meeting.

The new museum building was designed by architect Kimmo Heikkilä of Jorma Paloranta Architectural Office. The construction project cost around EUR 2 million and construction work started in December 2023. The Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland has granted a state investment grant of EUR 600 000 for the project.

YLE's article online (in Finnish)


Link to the YLE television news, where the Pielinen Museum is mentioned in paragraph 3.14 (In Finnish)



The new main building of the Pielinen Museum



Photos by: Henna Tuomiranta (Pielinen museum)


we are currently updating price information


Pielisen museo
Pappilantie 2
FI-81720 Lieksa, Finland
tel. +358 40 1044 151
email: museo@lieksa.fi



Paateri, the home and studio of sculptress Eva Ryynänen, is another site of the museum and located about 27 km from the town centre of Lieksa. More information about Paateri here.