


Find love in wilderness


The tourist information point of the City of Lieksa can be found at the City Hall service point. The tourist information and service point are open on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Pielisentie 3, 81700 Lieksa

tel. +358 40 1044 680 (tourist information)

tel. +358 40 1044 710 (customer service)


Information for tourists in Koli-Lieksa and VisitKarelia

For events in the Lieksa region, check out the event calendar.

You can find local accommodation and restaurant services in the  business and service directory.


Koli tourist information/Kolin Matkailu Oy

Ylä-Kolintie 2, 83960 Koli

tel. +358 45 1387 429